
Robbie Reutzel at the Social Law Library

I’m super pumped about this announcement — in fact, I’m so excited, that after sharing this news far and wide via email and social media, I forgot to post it here! So please join me in extending a warm (though belated) AARE welcome to Attorney Robbie Reutzel — our new Director of Acquisitions and Liquidations for the AA Real Estate Group!

And as a graduate of our very own Complete Dealflow System©, I’m especially pleased to announce that he’s going to be the new Head Coach and Educator of the program, working directly with new students to ensure they stay on track with their business, as well as training and overseeing other coaches that join us as we FINALLY launch our Complete Dealflow System© to the masses!

By way of introduction, I’ll let Robbie tell you in his own words why he loves real estate!


Why I Love Real Estate, Part 1


Why I Love Real Estate, Part 2


3,2,1… hold onto your hats, cuz we have a huge year coming up!